SANS Security Information

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Information Building Blocks
Where can you find security assessment guildelines?
Where can you find consolidated lists of information security vulnerabilities?
Useful links for securing your home network:
Top 10 Vulnerabilities to Windows Systems
  1. Web servers & services
  2. Workstation service
  3. Windows remote access services
  4. Microsoft SQL Server
  5. Windows authentication
  6. Web browsers
  7. File-sharing applications
  8. Window's Local Security Authority Subsystem Service risks
  9. Mail client
  10. Instant messaging
Where can you find free information security policy templates?
For useful security product and tool assessments, check out:
What are five simple ways to justify the need for security at your site?
  1. Run one of the high-profile vulnerability scanning tools (commercial or open source) against a small number of systems on your network.
  2. Install a Windows system with default settings and document how long it takes to get infected with a virus or other malware.
  3. Run a Google search for confidential documents from your organization that may be available on the Internet.
  4. Run a sniffer on the internal network for a short period of time, and tally the number of username / password pairs you were able to capture.
  5. Audit a small number of your high profile systems, and calculate te number of active accounts for employees / users who are no longer wit your organization.

Information Building Blocks

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